Make YOUR opinions count!
Play MAJORITY SAYS !!! -- The Free Game where the Majority Rules !!!

for Saturday, July 27

Make your own PERSONAL opinions count on...

For each question, select the answer that
best matches your own PERSONAL choice.

Try to answer EVERY question -- even if some
are so tough you have to toss a mental coin.

All the answers are
so don't hesitate to tell the truth.

The results of today's survey, including YOUR OWN
answers, will become tomorrow's game of...
Majority Says !!!


A mad scientist wants to test a new vaccine on you. It's made from elephant sweat. If it works, you'll never get sick -- and you'll become a global celebrity. If not, you can still get sick, and you'll always smell like an elephant. Deal?
No Deal

After a head injury, you develop the ability to ALWAYS see ten minutes into the future - whether you want to or not. Would you consider this a...

Dogs are...
Wondrous beings and loving companions that can enhance and sometimes even EXTEND a person's life
Just dogs

Finish this sentence with YOUR belief: "Money is...
The root of all evil'
Good stuff'

If you had a role in a monster movie, would you rather be the...
Monster-killing Hero
Hero-killing Monster

If you had an opportunity to fly to the moon tomorrow, would you go?
Thanks, but no thanks
Sure -- Fly Me To The Moon

In YOUR humble opinion, are the Big Oil Companies doing more...

Are YOU the smartest person you know personally?

Have you EVER had AT LEAST THIRTY people in your home at the same time?

For fifty million dollars CASH, are you willing to eat nothing but Dog Food for an entire year? (If you're a dog, this should be easy!)

Now, to make your votes count...